Your search for "Matthew 6:19-27" returned 17 results, sorted by relevance (Sort Chronologically). You are viewing page 2 of 2.
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Advent Wreath Lighting (Week 2)

Pastor Tim lights the second candle (the Peace Candle) as we continue through a special #52Verses52Books52Weeks journey through Advent. This week, we turn to the Gospel of Matthew.

Matthew (March 7, 2021)

Do you realize that Jesus is looking for broken messed up people who will humble themselves and follow HIM? No matter where you have wandered off to, Jesus sees you, and He wants to cover you with his Love and Grace. He gave His life for you. And He wants to welcome you into His love. He will forgive. He will heal. He will give you a future with Him.

What We Believe

A Summary of What We Believe God's Word Teaches

What is required to be a Christian? We believe that trusting in Jesus for salvation, confessing him to be your Lord and Savior, is the necessary step for being a Christian. At the same time, there is much more the Bible has to say that it is important for Christians to know and to grow in the truth of and what follows gives you an understanding of how we understand different key Biblical teachings at Little Hills.

Relive O Christmas FaithTree 2021

O Christmas (Faith)Tree is something very special: a celebratory service at 8:00 p.m. on December 9 that interweaves favorite Christmas carols and songs — both old and new and in a range of styles — with the story of Christmas that runs from Genesis through Revelation.

Relive O Christmas FaithTree 2023

O Christmas (Faith)Tree is something very special: a celebratory service at 8:00 p.m. on December 8 that interweaves favorite Christmas carols and songs — both old and new and in a range of styles — with the story of Christmas that runs from Genesis through Revelation.

O Christmas FaithTree 2021

O Christmas (Faith)Tree is something very special: a celebratory service at 8:00 p.m. on December 9 that interweaves favorite Christmas carols and songs — both old and new and in a range of styles — with the story of Christmas that runs from Genesis through Revelation.

Christmas at Little Hills

Come Celebrate with Us

God is with us — that’s what we celebrate at Christmastime! As we enter into this season, we are going to take time to look at how His Spirit led men and women that first Christmas, and leads us now, that we can rejoice in His love.

Your search for "Matthew 6:19-27" returned 17 results, sorted by relevance (Sort Chronologically). You are viewing page 2 of 2.